Saturday, August 26, 2006

You forget, this is nothing new.

This is nothing new, so if that is what you are after, forget about it. I am the cut copy of millions of others and in all my efforts to distinguish myself I have only succeeded in separating myself from success (in material terms).

In a class the other week another student said that life is just a parade unto death, that in life we simply move toward our eternal destiny, which he believed was a really long sleep, a sleep for eternity in fact, he also said that eternity frightened him. I guess this is understandable as it comlpetely inconceivable to our human minds. His fear also lay in the fact that nothing good stays good, so whatever lay behind eternity (however good) could not be eternally good. If this life is a waterfall into oblivion / eternity; what contributes to making a difference to eternity? If eternity is a reality then is my immediate physical experience is simply a distraction? It would make sense since we know that from science that the physical body dies, thereby rendering all physical attainment pointless and foolish. I heard on the radio that philosophy is not about prescribing right answers but about asking right questions, having said that, what is the purpose of a question? In the English language it would be to obtain information, and certainly when we ask questions of philosophy and of life we obtain information but it is not calculable or measurable. We would be rendering character unto ourselves with this information, rather than achieving a peaceful answer. So we are left with a negative proof, in the Socratic tradition, crossing off all possibilities and proposing no new solutions.

So much of my life is socially constructed and I have no desire to escape it's tentacles because without it so much of my pleasure will disappear. As a result of this conclusion tonight will be a party and probably a messy, regret filled night. Socrates, shake your head.

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