Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Why no regrets and a mountain of regret are the same

When you have no regrets you deny the past saying "I would never go back to that moment or to any moment because I did it perfectly the first time" and thus this enables you to plunge headlong, dancing into the future with a recklessness characterised by suicide. You can never make a regret and so your future is assured: it is success! Congratulations!

This attitude is the same as having mountains of regrets. These people wander around shackled to their past like prisoners, they drag it and weep on it and spend endless amounts of time trying to intellectually break free from it. Their binding to the past is their assurance of their future, which is why these two polar extremes are the same, both are suicidal and both will achieve what they invest in, the truly cursed are those who carry regrets and success; they are stricken with uncertainty and a fear of more regrets yet still hopeful of more success. You would expect this to amount to balance but no; they are paralysed by either hope or fear (when you examine this deeper it really boils down to false hope and fear; false hope springs from fear so it really is just fear).

1 comment:

marky-marc (no funky bunch please) said...

regrets a-plenty. reckless dancing.

i finally get how the two are connected:)