Sunday, June 21, 2009

La Bookshoppe

Everybody who has known me over the past few years has probably heard me rant and rave about opening a bookshop and while this has really never been a possibility (for monies- reasons) now it seems within my reach. Which is bone- tingling for me; for a number of reasons...

Of course one of the questions I have to ask is what kind of bookshop should it be? Here are two examples:

Above are photos of Shakespeare and Company in Paris; a bookshop I admire greatly for their hospitality and the way the place feels like the home of an old friend. When I visited we sat upstairs chatting with an American literature student who had been working on a cartoon before meeting some Italian girls and a Canadian who we ended up spending that night with walking around Paris taking in the crazy French.

The other bookshop was Massolit Books in Krakow Poland (my comma is still broken). This place was relaxed and homely with books on every subject and great coffee. It was tucked away out of the main centre of Krakow and felt somehow special; somehow like home. If I open a bookshop; that is how I want it to feel.

1 comment:

Lucinda said...

I don't think I ever knew you wanted to open a bookshop, then again we haven't seen each other for years now. Years!

What are you doing with yourself these days? From Facebook I gather you are happily married and teaching.

p.s. I belive you still have a magazine (Monster Children) and/or a yearbook of mine? It would be presumptous of me to believe you still had them after all this time...