Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Re- reading

One; this no comma thing is really starting to annoy me. I am going insane filling in all my comma spaces with semi-colons; they are pretentious and most of the time a dramatic break when all is needed is a brief breath.

Two; I just spent a good half hour rereading a lot of my old posts on this blog that stretch back all the way to 2006. The most shocking thing is that they are actually good. I am impressed with my own writing and thoughts which sounds conceited but I always viewed my own writing as some mixed up babbling and anyone who complimented me as someone who was seriously demented (sorry Marc).

I am surprised that I make some coherent arguments and some flowing (comma) musical prose. It is a bit ranty and a very self conscious but really (comma) can you expect anything less? In light of this rediscovery of sorts I am going to go back to the daily post and see writing- wise where it takes me. I need practice again even if this writing never goes anywhere and even if this poor keyboard doesn't have a working comma key (or working one (comma) four and seven keys; equally as frustrating)

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